• Zinzino - BalanceOil+ AquaX, 300 ml

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    BalanceOil+ AquaX, 300 ml

    BalanceOil+ AquaX is a breakthrough in Omega-3 science. AquaX is a form of BalanceOil that contains Aquacelle, a unique natural emulsifier that dissolves BalanceOil in water. This dramatically improves the taste, texture and in many cases the absorption of Omega-3. Just mix the daily dosage of BalanceOil+ AquaX in water or any cold liquid of your choice and experience how taste and texture of fish oil practically disappear. Simply shake the bottle, then pour, stir, drink and enjoy!

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    Zinzino's unique, patented blend in a water-soluble formula. The natural emulsifiers allow you to mix the supplement with any cold liquid to improve taste, texture and in many cases the absorption of Omega-3.

    Key benefits
    • Good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    • As part of regular exercise contributes to heart health
    • Contains vitamin D
    • Helps support your body and nutrition goals
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