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PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are precisely formulated for complete intracellular absorption in the exact ratios needed to maximize hydration of the cells so they can fully recover and operate at peak efficiency.
As essential amino acids are needed by our cells to fully utilize electrolytes, they are further enhanced with 2g of PERFECT AMINO® per serving for maximal effect, as well as nucleic acid building blocks to assist in proper amino acid utilization.
This is the most complete electrolyte product on the market.
Available in Orange, Passion Fruit, Lemon Lime, Mixed Berry & Watermelon.
PERFECT AMINO® Electrolytes are 100% Vegan, and free of Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Sugar, Toxins & MSG.
It contains no Erythritol, Aspartame, Neotame, Maltodextrin, or any other Artificial Sweeteners.
Hydration is important if for no other reason than endurance. Sustaining energy levels is the goal of almost any athlete. Your endurance over long periods can edge your competition and secure your victory.
PerfectAmino Electrolytes provides a total hydration formula - everything that’s lost in a workout is regained with this delicious formula, including protein.
You can also do it without all of those harmful additives and sugars in most sports drinks. It’s packed with the electrolytes your body needs, along with 2,000mg of PerfectAmino. Together, these nutrients help you achieve complete hydration and take your game to the next level.
Whether you are pushing towards peak performance or searching for a way to solve pre-workout fatigue, PerfectAmino Electrolytes is for you. It contains no carbs, sugar, or maltodextrin. It’s just a simple, easy to mix, and delicious drink mix for people on the go.
It’s the perfect electrolytes drink for athletes, including runners, cyclists, football players, baseball players, basketball players, soccer players, and all other hard-charging, performance athletes.
What’s In The Formula?
PerfectAmino Electrolytes will help boost your energy and performance FAST while at work, playing sports, working out, and crushing life!
Both delicious formulas are paleo-friendly, keto-friendly, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, egg-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, GMP-certified, and made in the U.S.A.
PerfectAmino Electrolytes Contains:
300mg of SODIUM.
One of the most important electrolytes, mostly related to fluid and water regulation.250mg of POTASSIUM.
Responsible for the functioning of excitable tissues such as skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and nerves.50mg of MAGNESIUM.
Involved in over 600 cellular reactions from making DNA to helping your muscles contract.80mg of TRACE MINERALS.
The body uses trace minerals for various functions, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly.2mg of ZINC.
Zinc helps make proteins and DNA, bolsters the immune system, and helps to heal wounds.2000mg of PERFECTAMINO. Containing all nine essential amino acids, PerfectAmino is optimized to make body protein, build muscles, repair injuries, speed recovery, and more.
Optimizing With Perfect Amino Electrolytes
To optimize your workouts, you must replace what was lost - and you lose more than water and electrolytes when you sweat.
What Your Body Loses When You Sweat
Depending on the length and intensity of your workout, you can lose tons of water. But did you know that protein is also lost when you sweat? It is. And since protein is one of the most important components lost when we sweat, it is critical to resupply your body with protein as you exercise.
Replacing What Was Lost
Perfect Amino Electrolytes is the first electrolyte supplement to incorporate the building blocks of protein, amino acids, in perfect ratios to kick-start the protein building and repair process in the body. For the first time, you are not only replacing lost salt, potassium, and minerals but also the building blocks of protein: essential amino acids!
Perfect Amino Electrolytes was formulated and developed by Dr. Minkoff with an exact blend of electrolytes to balance the body, maintain energy, and stay hydrated, along with 2 grams of Perfect Amino for building and repairing protein.
Simply mix 1 or 2 scoops in your water bottle and take it with you on your bike or run. Or mix it in a shaker bottle with ice and take it to the gym. You’ll feel the difference in your workout and your recovery!
Each container has 50 servings of the powerful Perfect Amino Electrolytes mix available in Passion Fruit, Lemon Lime, Mixed Berry & Watermelon..
We’re so certain that you will love this product and feel the difference in your workout, health, energy, and more within the first few weeks that we offer a full 100% money-back guarantee.