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核酸与延长寿命和提高体能有什么关系?核酸是 DNA 的组成部分,是形成身体的指令的长链。核酸也是 RNA(核糖核酸)的组成部分,RNA 充当信使,指导细胞如何合成生长和修复所需的精确蛋白质。正是通过这个过程,人体才能从单个细胞长成。
如果人体无法产生足够的核酸来维持健康 DNA 和 RNA 的生成,蛋白质合成就会减少,从而导致一系列问题,与衰老过程密切相关。提供理想数量的核酸可提高人体产生健康 DNA 和 RNA 的能力。
服用该配方并每天进行 30 分钟快步走,可以实现体重、肌肉质量和有氧能力等生化年龄指标的改善。这使得Nu Cell成为抗衰老计划的理想成分。
点击此处了解有关 Nu Cell 的更多信息。
Nu Cell provides your body with nucleic acids in their tiniest, most basic forms so they can easily be assimilated.
Why is this important? It’s not as easy for the body to assimilate the larger molecules available from the diet. Studies show that our bodies only assimilate about five percent of the nucleic acids available in foods.
When the human body has an adequate supply of these tiny building blocks, it has the wherewithal to build larger molecules like DNA and RNA which then guide the manufacture of the necessary proteins.
The formula also contains PerfectAmino to supply essential amino acids the body can’t synthesize on its own to support healing and provide building blocks for the production of those proteins.
With a sufficient supply of essential amino acids and nucleic acids, a body becomes much more efficient at repairing itself.
This formula is further engineered for the greatest effectiveness and benefit to your longevity.
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