diciembre 08, 2024 9 lectura mínima
How does PerfectAmino actually work? And what is it really doing in our bodies?
PerfectAmino is the perfect protein source. But there is a point there. It’s the perfect protein source. It isn’t protein in itself, but amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
When these amino acids are bonded together into chains, that’s when it becomes a protein.
That’s what any protein molecule you eat is — hundreds or thousands of different amino acids all bonded together into a long chain.
But PerfectAmino is different than other protein sources you’ve had. Very different.
You can find the PerfectAmino Users Guide here, which covers how to get the best results depending on what you are trying to achieve.
But to know what it's actually doing in your body, read on.
Here’s a quick explainer before we jump into what it does in our bodies.
There are 22 different amino acids used in the human body. Some of these are called Essential Amino Acids and some are Non-Essential Amino Acids.
These can also be called Indispensable Amino Acids and Dispensable Amino Acids.
Essential amino acids (or EAAs) are the aminos your body cannot make on its own and so must get from outside sources.
But, once it has all of these EAAs, it can use them to make any of the non-essential amino acids it needs.
And then, from all of these, it can make new proteins and collagen for skin, muscle, enzymes, bone, cells, hormones, and more.
So it needs these EAAs, and it needs all of them.
If you didn’t have all of them, or were missing even one, your body couldn’t use them to make new proteins. Period.
But it also needs them in exact ratios one to another. You see, it’s not just one of each. It’s three of this one and four of that, then one of that one and six of this, etc.
If it’s missing even one, it can’t make any protein. But also, if it has extras of one or more, it can’t use them.
And, while your body can store sugar or fat for use later on, it can’t store amino acids. It either joins them together into proteins or, if it can’t, then after a few hours of circulating in the bloodstream, it converts them into glucose (sugar) or triglycerides (fat).
These are then used directly for energy or stored for later (glycogen and body fat).
But those are the calories in a protein source — the amino acids that couldn’t be used to make new protein.
It’s very exact.
This is why different protein sources do more or less for a person.
Some have more of the EAAs in the correct ratio, with less amino acids left over, and some have less EAAs in the right ratio and more extra, unusable amino acids.
The more essential amino acids in the right ratio a protein has, the more new protein can be built and the less extra amino acids are converted to sugar or fat — calories.
This is why many people say that eggs are the best protein source. They have over twice as many EAAs in the right ratio as whey or pea proteins do. So you get more than twice as much new protein built for muscle, skin, bone, etc, and half as many calories.
And PerfectAmino is even more. While eggs consist of 48% EAAs in the right ratio and 52% unusable amino acids, PerfectAmino consists of the exact ratio complete. So it’s 99% utilized to build new protein.
That’s why there is less than 1 calorie for every 5 grams of PerfectAmino. Almost every single amino acid is actually used, leaving next to nothing to be converted to sugar or fat.
That’s also why we never alter the formula. Because it truly is as perfect as it can be.
So that’s amino acids, protein utilization, and PerfectAmino in a nutshell.
But what does it actually do in the body? And why do different people get different benefits from it?
The entire structure of our body is made of protein: our bones, muscle, skin, ligaments, tendons, half of every cell, our hormones, immune cells, hair, nails, nerve cells, the enzymes that cause chemical reactions in our body, our stomach acid, etc., etc.
The list is huge.
In fact, there are around twenty thousand different proteins in the human body, each filling exact and vital needs, and each of which cause us trouble if they’re missing or deficient.
So let’s see how this works.
When you eat protein your stomach breaks it down into amino acid chains, and then breaks these chains down into much shorter chains. Then, in your small intestine, every last link is broken (or is supposed to be) until each amino acid floats free on its own. No more chains.
From here these amino acids go through the liver and then are released into the bloodstream.
Once in the bloodstream they circulate through the body.
When cells need them, they’re pulled in and, providing all of the EAAs are present and in the correct ratios, they’re synthesized into new proteins to repair cells, or used to make new cells through cell division.
Or the cells or liver make new hormones with them, or enzymes, or carriers.
When we have enough amino acids coming in daily, we have no problems here. Or not much.
Our body has what it needs to make each protein that it needs and in enough quantity for its needs.
But let’s get into some specific cases here so we understand how vital this is and what PA is actually doing in our bodies.
Because it’s not just building muscle.
When we’re sick, or have an infection in our body, we need immune cells.
So protein coming in is used, in part, to build new immune cells to fight the bacteria or virus we have.
Other proteins will also still be built, but as the infection threatens the body, these immune cells are given priority.
This is why your doctor checks your blood protein levels during a check up. These proteins they’re checking for are immune proteins. If you have higher amounts of these, that indicates your body may be fighting something off.
This is also one reason we get more tired when we’re sick. Our body needs its energy, and amino acids, to make and use immune cells to fight off the illness.
And, if our protein levels are low, our body can’t make enough immune cells on a regular basis to fight off an illness or infection. So we’re more likely to become ill or take longer to recover.
Then there are hormones: thyroid, to regulate our metabolism, adrenaline for energy, cortisol for stressful times and injury, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone for a plethora of things beyond our sexual processes such as building bone, calming us down, and regulating body fat.
If we don’t have enough protein to make hormones in the quantities needed, this can affect us in a variety of different ways: osteoporosis, moodiness, higher body fat, lower muscle mass, low or very high energy, cravings for sugar.
And, as deficiencies in one hormone can throw off others in a chain reaction, the effects in can create could be different for different people.
Then you have your muscle. You need a certain amount of protein on a daily basis just to maintain the muscle you have. And if you want to build more muscle, then you’ll have to consume more protein beyond this. This allows muscle cells to repair or replicate to build new muscle cells.
Your skin is also dependent on protein and collagen (just a type of protein) for its elasticity and “youthfulness”. A lack of protein can be seen in drier, more wrinkly skin. And, as collagen is just a protein, it’s also made from amino acids.
Your bones are made of protein.
Every time you walk up or down the stairs your bones suffer thousands of microscopic fractures, which is fine… if you’re getting enough amino acids for your body to make new bone cells to heal these each night.
If you’re not, then your legs will just start feeling sore more and more, and over time your bones can become brittle.
Even your stomach needs amino acids in order to digest proteins and break them down into amino acids.
Your stomach acid and digestive enzymes are made of proteins. So if we’re eating less protein than we need, our body won’t have enough to make as much stomach acid and enzymes as it needs in order to break down new proteins coming in.
So those new proteins aren’t broken down fully into individual amino acids and your body can’t use them.
So you get even less protein, because your body isn’t getting all of what you’ve eaten.
While aging does occur, this is actually one large missing factor.
As we age, especially if our diet is low in protein, our body produces less and less digestive juices.
So we get less and less of the amino acids from protein that we need to make immune cells or build muscle, or balance hormones, or have soft, smooth skin.
This is one of the key factors behind muscle loss and osteoporosis as we age — our body isn’t breaking down our proteins enough, so we’re not getting the amino acids we need from them.
With PerfectAmino your body is getting exactly what it needs, and in quantity.
Even if your digestive tract isn’t fully up to par, you still get all of the EAAS from PerfectAmino as they’re already broken down into their individual amino acids and so can be immediately used without waste.
Many people taking 4 servings of PerfectAmino in a day are quite possibly building more protein in their bodies than they do from all of the rest of their protein sources combined.
And the difference they feel can sometimes seem magical just due to how different it is.
And, they don’t get the high amount of calories that other protein sources give.
But that’s another point. And it’s why some people say too much protein is toxic.
As we covered above, unused amino acids are broken down and converted to energy: sugar, fats, the real calories.
But something else is released when amino acids break down: nitrogen.
This nitrogen needs to be removed from the body and that’s done by the kidneys.
But look at this. If I’m trying to build muscle, and I’m eating very high quantities of protein to do so, how well these proteins are used suddenly becomes very important.
If I’m taking PerfectAmino and nothing else, I’ll get almost no nitrogen to be removed, because there is almost no break down of amino acids.
If I’m eating whole eggs, then about half of the amino acids in the egg proteins will be broken down, releasing nitrogen which my kidneys must handle.
If I’m eating whey or pea, more than 80% of the amino acids are unusable and will be broken down, giving me less amino acids to build new proteins, more calories, and more nitrogen waste.
And if I’m taking BCAAs, which are only three of the EAAs and so cannot be used on their own to make new protein, well, these are almost 100% broken down.
But do you see what happens there?
The more we eat proteins that have lower usable amounts of EAAs, we don’t just get more calories and less protein being built. We also get an increased load on our kidneys to get rid of all the nitrogen we’re releasing.
And that can overwhelm them over time, causing kidney trouble, which happens with many body builders consuming high levels of BCAAs, individual amino acids, and poor proteins.
PerfectAmino gives none of this as less than 1% are converted to calories and nitrogen waste.
Instead you get the exact essential amino acids your body needs, in the exact right ratio needed, and in a form that can be fully absorbed by anyone no matter the state of their digestive tract.
It is the perfect source of protein.
And in this form you’re able to get much more than you would be able to otherwise, and without the effects of low-utilization proteins.
We see faster recovery and building of lean muscle, stronger bones, softer, smoother skin, and customers complaining they have to see their hair dresser more often.
We see higher energy levels, calmer moods, and hormones starting to balance.
But beyond this, depending on how much you may or may not have been deficient in protein, what we might see with you we can’t even guess.
From tendons healing to dry eyes going away, we’ve seen it all.
Will this all happen for everyone?
No. And we can’t claim it in any way.
But your body and every chemical in it is made of protein.
So if you’re low…
You get the point.
If you haven’t tried PerfectAmino, you need to.
It truly is the perfect source of protein.
But make sure you’re taking enough.
Taking more won’t hurt, and who knows what it might help.
Try it and let us know.
Go here to to see the PerfectAmino Users Guide.
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